Bitcoin and Krypto News
4 min readOct 23, 2021


Blockchains provide robust solutions to every aspect of the internet, and one of the major solutions comes through its super customizable smart contracts. Provision of cost-effective ways of using the internet through its secured integrated code development, transparent procedure, its high quality, and its availability of service.

Blockchain has been one of the major wealth creation platforms, generating tremendous profit within a short period. Utilizing its few outlets such as Mining, Trading, Merchant activities, and Multi-Level Marketing.
A critical utilization of the above can move a cryptocurrency user from a status of a nobody to the status one can be jealous of and a perfect way to become of is through Multi-Level Marketing (MLM).

The mention of Multi-Level Marketing surely brings mixed feelings as everyone on the internet has one way or the other come across the advent of MLM and its “DRAWBACKS”.

MLM indeed has some serious flaws but one can not run away from its other good side. The introduction of cryptocurrency Smart Contracts gives one the edge over those who use the traditional way of the MLM business.

Smart contracts refer to computer protocols that digitally facilitate the execution of an agreement, which are kept in public databases. Smart Contracts are a faster, cheaper, and more secure way of executing and managing agreements.

Below are some benefits of a Blockchain-based Smart Contract MLM;
Full Decentralization, Absence of risk, the system will itself bring you free referrals, spillovers from your uplines, unable to stop the system, peer to peer only transaction with the smart contract as middle man, and recurring profits.

Ethereum and Tron are the two major blockchains that provide Smart contract services. With Tron coming forth as the cost-effective and more friendly Blockchain in the Smart Contract space.

Tron is a blockchain-based decentralized operating system and has the largest edge over Bitcoin and ethereum when it comes to Transaction per second (TPS), 80 times faster than Ethereum and 667 times faster than Bitcoin. Tron is playing host to several cryptocurrency-based Smart Contracts and I am about to introduce to you the Biggest and never seen before SMART CONTRACT ON TRON BLOCKCHAIN called SMART20.


Smart20 is a community of TRON-based cryptocurrency experts, trainers, and veterans who are ready and willing to work with newbies who are willing to learn and grow their cryptocurrency knowledge whilst earning in an unprecedented manner.
With a goal to empower the Smart20 community with all levels of skills through leveraging the power of blockchain/cryptocurrency to create never before wealth for everyone in the community.

With its PSP system, the Smart20 community is looking to Build a Power System with its feature that rewards members on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE (FCFS) basis utilizing the 2x20 community forced earning structure. A Structure that rewards the community monthly for as long they have an S20 Active Position. The more positions you have, the more you get rewarded.


  1. Members are allowed to build/buy Multiple positions, each position is also allowed to enter the Smart20 POWER SYSTEM on every position purchased.
  2. Receive Rewards from up to 20 levels deep global community build power system every 30 days
  3. No Referring Required
  4. $25 Directly to the influencer on every new referral every 30 days
  5. The more positions you hold in the system, the more rewards you earn Every 30 days

Users acquire S20 Positions for $49 USD in Tron or TRX each, renewable every 30 days giving access to a Dashboard displaying in-depth information about the system and how positions are performing.
Users can acquire as many positions as they wish, and each position will offer text and image space that will display on a carousel on Smart20.

Power System

The Smart20 Power system comes with a unique feature. A feature that ensures you a user earns unlimited rewards on a Monthly Basis. The rewards go deep into the 20th Level of your enforced team.

A 2*20 Community power build system, gives community members Positions automatically through the Community build forced system.
You need no referrals to enjoy this system.

2*20 Community Build Power System Potential
Power System Potential explained


  1. Contact your invitee
  2. Get a Tron smart contract compatible wallet such as Klever, Tronlink, Or Token Pocket Wallet.
  3. Fund your wallet With $49.00 TRON TRX (Plus Gas Fees)
  4. Get started now for the first mover's advantage.

Robin Williams once said, “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”

Nothing can change the world so much as having something that pays you whilst you sleep. Cryptocurrency has been the frontrunner as the best investment in the last decade. Anyone can become wealthy and you and I can get there with the best knowledge.

Smart20 is the idea that can change the world. Smart Contract is the Smartest way…



Bitcoin and Krypto News
Bitcoin and Krypto News

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