The visionary who defied all odds- Frank Nii Okanta Ankrah

There are two different ways that people can live their lives, these fellows have taken the option to live as risk-takers looking to take chances in the search of fortune. These same fellows have consecutively taken steps to approach success with a conservative type who are assured intuitively that their future is more secured so they make safe bets towards the paths ahead. One interesting fact is they do not have a single approach but looking at them, you will love what they went into each choice they made.

Bitcoin and Krypto News
4 min readJun 8, 2020

In the poem, ‘Road Not Taken’ Robert Frost said, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.

For many, the poem comes to symbolize the quest for challenges and risks, and it is very same for Frank Nii Okanta Ankrah.

Frank spent his life seeking out the road less travelled by blazing new trails and took chances that he hope will be more rewarding than going the traditional route. We see this in his quest and drive towards entrepreneurship, his pursuit of new hobbies, and his day to day life.

Defying all odds Frank off shed a life-wrenching and heartbreaking loss in his business life. Losing close to all he had to an investment deal he went into with his partners. During this time he never gave up, learned to defy all odds He created what has become the worlds leading Crypto-Ads company called ClicxAds.

Frank Nii Okanta Ankrah CEO of Clicxads and BuyCryptoSell, in an interview, to discuss how he turned his misfortune to a fortune he said this; “My motive in life is to make a difference, so I always turn to Run My own Race no matter where I find myself, I learned that what I need to succeed is to be different.”

Many writers and motivational kept telling us what is important in life, and the most essentials in life but to stand out one needs to dare to be different, learn to fail, never be afraid to fail.

He told us about a quote that kept him going; “Fail FAST and wear your Failure as A Badge of Honour — Silicon Valley”
So I kept and stuck to being a life long learner in order to keep imparting myself updated knowledge.

Despite the unexpected windfall, the mogul has worked to remain grounded and not take his incredible luck for granted. It’s fair to say that he turned a situation which was supposed to have to lose all his life possession s — beat some pretty serious odds. He’s now considered to be one of the most successful crypto CEOs who emanated from Africa and is also frequently described as a business mogul.

He told us how he lost almost all of his life’s worth in days.

He said; “In those days, I looked on and watched just like that which happened in the good books (Job). The story was unfolding right in my eyes and I was restless and I couldn’t do anything to stop what was unfolding. I tried to but it was too late.

It was then that I said this “It is the right of a General in the battlefront to come home with scars” So I chose to eschew the pain but it was within the same time that I learned to Crack the Code just to prove my worth as the mogul I had always wanted to be. I never believed in my talent so I decided to outwit everyone. Clicxads has now paid over 103 bitcoins in revenue to its members and that makes $1,005,207 based on the current rate of bitcoin.

Frank failed to learn and now had cracked the code, and all who had crossed his path are never left without a piece of success.

But every so often, those willing to take risks are favoured by fortune and people like Frank proved that sometimes you can win even when the odds are stacked against you.

In this what I can say to all readers is, Learn not to be a value eroder, beware of generals without scars, know when to hit the refresh button when all odds are against you, eschew mediocrity and learn to master your strength, know your weaknesses, know when to take opportunities, and identify a possible threat.

Are you taking your chances?

Want to be coached by Frank Nii Okanta Ankrah follow him on all his social media handles by searching Frank Nii Okanta Ankrah.



Bitcoin and Krypto News
Bitcoin and Krypto News

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